em_event_form() template tag with this enabled.', 'dbem' ) );
em_options_select ( __('Guest Default User', 'dbem'), 'dbem_events_anonymous_user', em_get_wp_users (), __( 'Events require a user to own them. In order to allow events to be submitted anonymously you need to assign that event a specific user. We recommend you create a "Anonymous" subscriber with a very good password and use that. Guests will have the same event permissions as this user when submitting.', 'dbem' ) );
em_options_textarea ( __( 'Success Message', 'dbem' ), 'dbem_events_anonymous_result_success', __( 'Anonymous submitters cannot see or modify their event once submitted. You can customize the success message they see here.', 'dbem' ).$events_placeholder_tip );
'SMTP', 'mail' => __( 'PHP mail function', 'dbem' ), 'sendmail' => 'Sendmail', 'qmail' => 'Qmail', 'wp_mail' => 'WP Mail' ), __( 'Select the method to send email notification.', 'dbem' ) );
em_options_radio_binary ( __( 'Use SMTP authentication?', 'dbem' ), 'dbem_rsvp_mail_SMTPAuth', __( 'SMTP authentication is often needed. If you use GMail, make sure to set this parameter to Yes', 'dbem' ) );
em_options_input_text ( 'SMTP host', 'dbem_smtp_host', __( "The SMTP host. Usually it corresponds to 'localhost'. If you use GMail, set this value to 'ssl://smtp.gmail.com:465'.", 'dbem' ) );
em_options_input_text ( __( 'SMTP username', 'dbem' ), 'dbem_smtp_username', __( "Insert the username to be used to access your SMTP server.", 'dbem' ) );
em_options_input_password ( __( 'SMTP password', 'dbem' ), "dbem_smtp_password", __( "Insert the password to be used to access your SMTP server", 'dbem' ) );
echo $save_button;
/* Event Capabilities */
'publish_events' => sprintf(__('Users can publish %s and skip any admin approval','dbem'),__('events','dbem')),
'delete_others_events' => sprintf(__('User can delete other users %s','dbem'),__('events','dbem')),
'edit_others_events' => sprintf(__('User can edit other users %s','dbem'),__('events','dbem')),
'delete_events' => sprintf(__('User can delete their own %s','dbem'),__('events','dbem')),
'edit_events' => sprintf(__('User can create and edit %s','dbem'),__('events','dbem')),
'read_private_events' => sprintf(__('User can view private %s','dbem'),__('events','dbem')),
/*'read_events' => sprintf(__('User can view %s','dbem'),__('events','dbem')),*/
sprintf(__('%s Capabilities','dbem'),__('Recurring Event','dbem')) => array(
/* Recurring Event Capabilties */
'publish_recurring_events' => sprintf(__('Users can publish %s and skip any admin approval','dbem'),__('recurring events','dbem')),
'delete_others_recurring_events' => sprintf(__('User can delete other users %s','dbem'),__('recurring events','dbem')),
'edit_others_recurring_events' => sprintf(__('User can edit other users %s','dbem'),__('recurring events','dbem')),
'delete_recurring_events' => sprintf(__('User can delete their own %s','dbem'),__('recurring events','dbem')),
'edit_recurring_events' => sprintf(__('User can create and edit %s','dbem'),__('recurring events','dbem'))
sprintf(__('%s Capabilities','dbem'),__('Location','dbem')) => array(
/* Location Capabilities */
'publish_locations' => sprintf(__('Users can publish %s and skip any admin approval','dbem'),__('locations','dbem')),
'delete_others_locations' => sprintf(__('User can delete other users %s','dbem'),__('locations','dbem')),
'edit_others_locations' => sprintf(__('User can edit other users %s','dbem'),__('locations','dbem')),
'delete_locations' => sprintf(__('User can delete their own %s','dbem'),__('locations','dbem')),
'edit_locations' => sprintf(__('User can create and edit %s','dbem'),__('locations','dbem')),
'read_private_locations' => sprintf(__('User can view private %s','dbem'),__('locations','dbem')),
'read_others_locations' => __('User can use other user locations for their events.','dbem'),
/*'read_locations' => sprintf(__('User can view %s','dbem'),__('locations','dbem')),*/
sprintf(__('%s Capabilities','dbem'),__('Other','dbem')) => array(
/* Category Capabilities */
'delete_event_categories' => sprintf(__('User can delete %s categories and tags.','dbem'),__('event','dbem')),
'edit_event_categories' => sprintf(__('User can edit %s categories and tags.','dbem'),__('event','dbem')),
/* Booking Capabilities */
'manage_others_bookings' => __('User can manage other users individual bookings and event booking settings.','dbem'),
'manage_bookings' => __('User can use and manage bookings with their events.','dbem'),
'upload_event_images' => __('User can upload images along with their events and locations.','dbem')