false, 'pagination' => 1 ); if( in_array($post->ID, array($events_page_id, $locations_page_id, $categories_page_id, $edit_bookings_page_id, $edit_events_page_id, $edit_locations_page_id, $my_bookings_page_id)) ){ $content = apply_filters('em_content_pre', '', $page_content); if( empty($content) ){ ob_start(); if ( $post->ID == $events_page_id && $events_page_id != 0 ) { if ( !empty($_REQUEST['calendar_day']) ) { //Events for a specific day em_locate_template('templates/calendar-day.php',true, array('args'=>$args)); }elseif ( $wp_query->get('bookings_page') && empty($my_bookings_page_id)) { //Bookings Page em_locate_template('templates/my-bookings.php',true); }elseif ( is_object($EM_Event)) { em_locate_template('templates/event-single.php',true, array('args'=>$args)); }else{ // Multiple events page $args['orderby'] = get_option('dbem_events_default_orderby'); $args['order'] = get_option('dbem_events_default_order'); if (get_option ( 'dbem_display_calendar_in_events_page' )){ $args['long_events'] = 1; em_locate_template('templates/events-calendar.php',true, array('args'=>$args)); }else{ //Intercept search request, if defined $args['scope'] = get_option('dbem_events_page_scope'); if( !empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'search_events' ){ $args = EM_Events::get_post_search($args + $_REQUEST); } em_locate_template('templates/events-list.php', true, array('args'=>$args)); } } }elseif( $post->ID == $locations_page_id && $locations_page_id != 0 ){ $args['orderby'] = get_option('dbem_locations_default_orderby'); $args['order'] = get_option('dbem_locations_default_order'); if( EM_MS_GLOBAL && is_object($EM_Location) ){ em_locate_template('templates/location-single.php',true, array('args'=>$args)); }else{ em_locate_template('templates/locations-list.php',true, array('args'=>$args)); } }elseif( $post->ID == $categories_page_id && $categories_page_id != 0 ){ $args['orderby'] = get_option('dbem_categories_default_orderby'); $args['order'] = get_option('dbem_categories_default_order'); em_locate_template('templates/categories-list.php',true, array('args'=>$args)); }elseif( $post->ID == $edit_events_page_id && $edit_events_page_id != 0 ){ em_events_admin(); }elseif( $post->ID == $edit_locations_page_id && $edit_locations_page_id != 0 ){ em_locations_admin(); }elseif( $post->ID == $edit_bookings_page_id && $edit_bookings_page_id != 0 ){ em_bookings_admin(); }elseif( $post->ID == $my_bookings_page_id && $my_bookings_page_id != 0 ){ em_my_bookings(); } $content = ob_get_clean(); //If disable rewrite flag is on, then we need to add a placeholder here if( get_option('dbem_disable_title_rewrites') == 1 ){ $content = str_replace('#_PAGETITLE', em_content_page_title(''),get_option('dbem_title_html')) . $content; } //Now, we either replace CONTENTS or just replace the whole page if( preg_match('/CONTENTS/', $page_content) ){ $content = str_replace('CONTENTS',$content,$page_content); } if(get_option('dbem_credits')){ $content .= '

Powered by Events Manager

'; } } return apply_filters('em_content', '
'); } return $page_content; } add_filter('the_content', 'em_content'); /** * Filter for titles when on event pages * @param $data * @return string */ function em_content_page_title($original_content) { global $EM_Event, $EM_Location, $EM_Category, $wp_query, $post; $events_page_id = get_option ( 'dbem_events_page' ); $locations_page_id = get_option( 'dbem_locations_page' ); $edit_events_page_id = get_option( 'dbem_edit_events_page' ); $edit_locations_page_id = get_option( 'dbem_edit_locations_page' ); $edit_bookings_page_id = get_option( 'dbem_edit_bookings_page' ); if( !empty($post->ID) && in_array($post->ID, array($events_page_id, $locations_page_id, $edit_events_page_id, $edit_locations_page_id, $edit_bookings_page_id))){ $content = apply_filters('em_content_page_title_pre', '', $original_content); if( empty($content) ){ if ( $post->ID == $events_page_id ) { if ( !empty( $_REQUEST['calendar_day'] ) ) { $events = EM_Events::get(array('limit'=>2,'scope'=>$_REQUEST['calendar_day'],'owner'=>false)); if ( count($events) != 1 || get_option('dbem_display_calendar_day_single') == 1 ) { //We only support dates for the calendar day list title, so we do a simple filter for the supplied calendar_day $content = get_option ('dbem_list_date_title'); preg_match_all("/#[A-Za-z0-9]+/", $content, $placeholders); foreach($placeholders[0] as $placeholder) { // matches all PHP date and time placeholders if (preg_match('/^#[dDjlNSwzWFmMntLoYyaABgGhHisueIOPTZcrU]$/', $placeholder)) { $content = str_replace($placeholder, mysql2date(ltrim($placeholder, "#"), $_REQUEST['calendar_day']),$content ); } } }else{ $event = array_shift($events); $content = $event->output( get_option('dbem_event_page_title_format') ); } }elseif ( $wp_query->get('bookings_page') ) { //Bookings Page $content = sprintf(__('My %s','dbem'),__('Bookings','dbem')); }elseif ( is_object($EM_Event) && EM_MS_GLOBAL ) { // single event page if( $EM_Event->status == 1 ){ $content = $EM_Event->output ( get_option ( 'dbem_event_page_title_format' ) ); }else{ $content = get_option('dbem_events_page_title'); } }else{ // Multiple events page, leave untouched $content = $original_content; } }elseif( $post->ID == $locations_page_id ){ if( EM_MS_GLOBAL && is_object($EM_Location) ){ $content = $EM_Location->output(get_option( 'dbem_location_page_title_format' )); }else{ $content = $original_content; } }elseif( $post->ID == $edit_events_page_id ){ if( !empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] = 'edit' ){ if( is_object($EM_Event) ){ if($EM_Event->is_recurring()){ $content = __( "Reschedule Events", 'dbem' )." '{$EM_Event->event_name}'"; }else{ $content = __( "Edit Event", 'dbem' ) . " '" . $EM_Event->event_name . "'"; } }else{ $content = __( 'Add Event', 'dbem' ); } }else{ $content = $original_content; } }elseif( $post->ID == $edit_locations_page_id ){ if( !empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] = 'edit' ){ if( empty($EM_Location) || !is_object($EM_Location) ){ $content = __('Add Location', 'dbem'); }else{ $content = __('Edit Location', 'dbem'); } }else{ $content = $original_content; } }elseif( $post->ID == $edit_bookings_page_id){ if( is_object($EM_Event) ){ $content = $EM_Event->name .' - '. $original_content; }else{ $content = $original_content; } } return apply_filters('em_content_page_title', $content); } } return $original_content; } function em_content_wp_title($title, $sep = '', $seplocation = ''){ global $EM_Location, $post; $events_page_id = get_option ( 'dbem_events_page' ); $locations_page_id = get_option( 'dbem_locations_page' ); $edit_events_page_id = get_option( 'dbem_edit_events_page' ); $edit_locations_page_id = get_option( 'dbem_edit_locations_page' ); $edit_bookings_page_id = get_option( 'dbem_edit_bookings_page' ); if( !empty($post->ID) && $post->ID != $events_page_id && !in_array($post->ID, array($events_page_id, $locations_page_id, $edit_events_page_id, $edit_locations_page_id, $edit_bookings_page_id)) ){ return $title; } // Determines position of the separator and direction of the breadcrumb $title = em_content_page_title($title); $t_sep = '%WP_TITILE_SEP%'; // Temporary separator, for accurate flipping, if necessary if ( 'right' == $seplocation ) { // sep on right, so reverse the order $title_array = explode( $t_sep, $title ); $title_array = array_reverse( $title_array ); $title = implode( " $sep ", $title_array ); } else { $title_array = explode( $t_sep, $title ); $title = implode( " $sep ", $title_array ); } return $title; } add_filter ( 'wp_title', 'em_content_wp_title',100,3 ); //override other plugin SEO due to way EM works. /** * Makes sure we're in "THE Loop", which is determinied by a flag set when the_post() (start) is first called, and when have_posts() (end) returns false. * @param string $data * @return string */ function em_wp_the_title($data){ //This is set by the loop_start and loop_end actions global $post, $wp_query, $EM_Location; $events_page_id = get_option ( 'dbem_events_page' ); $locations_page_id = get_option( 'dbem_locations_page' ); $edit_events_page_id = get_option( 'dbem_edit_events_page' ); $edit_locations_page_id = get_option( 'dbem_edit_locations_page' ); $edit_bookings_page_id = get_option( 'dbem_edit_bookings_page' ); if( get_option('dbem_disable_title_rewrites') != 1 && !empty($post->ID) && in_array($post->ID, array($events_page_id, $locations_page_id, $edit_events_page_id, $edit_locations_page_id, $edit_bookings_page_id)) ){ if ( $wp_query->in_the_loop ) { return apply_filters('em_wp_the_title', em_content_page_title($data)) ; } } return $data; } add_filter ( 'the_title', 'em_wp_the_title',10,1 ); /** * Filters the get_pages functions so it includes the event pages? * @param $data * @return array */ function em_filter_get_pages($data) { global $em_disable_filter; //Using a flag here instead $show_events_menu = get_option ( 'dbem_list_events_page' ); $show_locations_menu = get_option ( 'dbem_list_locations_page' ); $show_categories_menu = get_option ( 'dbem_list_categories_page' ); if ( (!$show_events_menu || !$show_locations_menu || !$show_categories_menu) && $em_disable_filter !== true ) { $output = array(); $events_page_id = get_option( 'dbem_events_page' ); $locations_page_id = get_option( 'dbem_locations_page' ); $categories_page_id = get_option( 'dbem_categories_page' ); foreach( $data as $data_id => $page ) { $added = false; if(!$show_events_menu && $page->ID != $events_page_id){ $output[] = $page; $added = true; } if(!$show_locations_menu && !$added && $page->ID != $locations_page_id){ $output[] = $page; $added = true; } if(!$show_categories_menu && !$added && $page->ID != $categories_page_id){ $output[] = $page; $added = true; } } return apply_filters('em_filter_get_pages', $output); } return apply_filters('em_filter_get_pages', $data); } add_filter ( 'get_pages', 'em_filter_get_pages' ); function em_get_page_type(){ global $EM_Location, $EM_Category, $EM_Event, $wp_query, $post; $events_page_id = get_option ( 'dbem_events_page' ); $locations_page_id = get_option( 'dbem_locations_page' ); $categories_page_id = get_option( 'dbem_categories_page' ); if ( !empty($events_page_id) && $post->ID == $events_page_id ) { if ( $wp_query->get('calendar_day') ) { return "calendar_day"; }elseif ( $wp_query->get('bookings_page') ) { return "my_bookings"; }else{ return is_object($EM_Event) ? "event" : "events"; } }elseif( empty($events_page_id) ){ if( $wp_query->get('calendar_day') ){ return "calendar_day"; }elseif ( $wp_query->get('bookings_page') ) { return "my_bookings"; } } if( is_single() && $post->post_type == EM_POST_TYPE_EVENT ){ return 'event'; } if( (!empty($locations_page_id) && $post->ID == $locations_page_id) || (!is_single() && $wp_query->query_vars['post_type'] == EM_POST_TYPE_LOCATION) ){ return is_object($EM_Location) ? "location":"locations"; }elseif( is_single() && $post->post_type == EM_POST_TYPE_LOCATION ){ return 'location'; } if( (!empty($categories_page_id) && $post->ID == $categories_page_id) ){ return "categories"; }elseif( !empty($wp_query->tax_query->queries[0]['taxonomy']) && $wp_query->tax_query->queries[0]['taxonomy'] == EM_TAXONOMY_CATEGORY ){ return "category"; } } ?>