 * This file contains the HTML generated for a single location Google map. You can copy this file to yourthemefolder/plugins/events/templates and modify it in an upgrade-safe manner.
 * There is one argument passed to you, which is the $args variable. This contains the arguments you could pass into shortcodes, template tags or functions like EM_Events::get().
 * In this template, we encode the $args array into JSON for javascript to easily parse and request the locations from the server via AJAX.
	/* @var $EM_Location EM_Location */
	if ( get_option('dbem_gmap_is_active') && ( is_object($EM_Location) && $EM_Location->latitude != 0 && $EM_Location->longitude != 0 ) ) {
		$width = (isset($args['width'])) ? $args['width']:'400';
		$height = (isset($args['height'])) ? $args['height']:'300';
		$rand = substr(md5(rand().rand()),0,5);
   		<div class='em-location-map' id='em-location-map-<?php echo $rand ?>' style='background: #CDCDCD; width: <?php echo $width ?>px; height: <?php echo $height ?>px'><?php _e('Loading Map....', 'dbem'); ?></div>
   		<div class='em-location-map-info' id='em-location-map-info-<?php echo $rand ?>' style="display:none; visibility:hidden;">
   			<div class="em-map-balloon" style="font-size:12px;">
   				<div class="em-map-balloon-content" ><?php echo $EM_Location->output(get_option('dbem_location_baloon_format')); ?></div>
		<div class='em-location-map-coords' id='em-location-map-coords-<?php echo $rand ?>' style="display:none; visibility:hidden;">
			<span class="lat"><?php echo $EM_Location->latitude; ?></span>
			<span class="lng"><?php echo $EM_Location->longitude; ?></span>
	}elseif( is_object($EM_Location) && $EM_Location->latitude == 0 && $EM_Location->longitude == 0 ){
		echo '<i>'. __('Map Unavailable', 'dbem') .'</i>';