* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ if(@is_file("../cloner.config.php")){ echo "

Access denied, if you are trying to restore a backup, please move the restore script in another directory!

"; exit; } @set_time_limit(3600); @ini_set("error_reporting", E_ALL^E_NOTICE); ###################### Do not edit Below ############################# $g_pcltar_lib_dir = "./"; require "TAR.php"; $_CONFIG['my_version'] = "3.0.1"; $_CONFIG['script_name'] = "XCloner.php"; $_CONFIG['sql_usefile'] = ""; $_CONFIG['filesLimit'] = 100; $_CONFIG['seek'] = 0; if(isset($_REQUEST['sql_setfile'])) $_CONFIG['sql_usefile'] = $_REQUEST['sql_setfile']; if(trim($_CONFIG['sql_usefile']) == "") $_CONFIG['sql_usefile'] = "database-sql.sql"; if(isset($_REQUEST['strrep'])){ setcookie ("strrep_c", "", time() - 3600); setcookie("strrep_c", str_replace("\r\n","*-*",stripslashes($_REQUEST['strrep'])), time()+3600); /* expire in 1 hour */ }else{ $_REQUEST['strrep'] = str_replace("*-*", "\r\n", $_COOKIE['strrep_c']); } if ($handle = opendir('./')) { /* This is the correct way to loop over the directory. */ while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))){ $ext = substr($file,strlen($file)-4,strlen($file)); if(($file!='XCloner.php')&&($file!='..')&&($file!='.')&&(($ext=='.tgz')||($ext=='.tar'))){ $_CONFIG[versions][] = $file; } } closedir($handle); }else{ echo "Unable to open my directory for reading and listing!";exit; } ###################################################################### $_CONFIG['output_path'] = $_REQUEST['output_path']; $_CONFIG['output_url'] = $_REQUEST['output_url_pref']."://".$_REQUEST['output_url']; $_REQUEST['output_url'] = str_replace("/###","",$_REQUEST['output_url']."###"); $_REQUEST['output_url'] = str_replace("###","",$_REQUEST['output_url']); if(function_exists('filter_var')){ $_CONFIG['output_url'] = filter_var($_CONFIG['output_url'], FILTER_SANITIZE_URL); } $_CONFIG['tmp'] = $_REQUEST['output_path']; if($_REQUEST['files_skip'] == 1) $_REQUEST['do_database'] = 1; if($_REQUEST['fpos']) $_CONFIG['seek'] = $_REQUEST['fpos']; $filepath =$_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]; $pathinfo = pathinfo($filepath); $startscript = $pathinfo['dirname']; $_CONFIG[group] = $groupinfo[name]; $_CONFIG[owner] =$ownerinfo[name]; ###################### FRONT AREA ################################### //setCache(); ?> XCloner Restore - <?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']?> - Backup and Restore Made Easy

XCloner Automatic Restore! -

XCloner Automatic Restore() - Website Backup and Restore
The database details provided are incorrect and/or empty. Unable to connect to mysql server"); @mysql_query("CREATE database $DBname;"); if (!@mysql_select_db($DBname)) { die("
Could not connect to $DBname database! Please make sure the database exists and that you assigned the mysql user to it..."); } mysql_query("SET sql_mode='';"); if($_REQUEST['charset_of_file']!="") mysql_query("SET NAMES ".$_REQUEST['charset_of_file'].""); else mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8;"); } if($_REQUEST['do_database'] != 1){ ############ DATABASE ONLY RESTRICTION################################################## ########################### START FTP MODE ################################# if($_REQUEST[transfer_mode]==2){ $_CONFIG[output_path] = $_CONFIG[output_path]."/archive_tmp/"; @mkdir($_CONFIG[output_path]); // set up basic connection $conn_id = @ftp_connect($_REQUEST[ftp_server], $_REQUEST[ftp_port]) or die("Could not connect to $_REQUEST[ftp_server] on port $_REQUEST[ftp_port]! Ftp connection has failed!"); // login with username and password $login_result = @ftp_login($conn_id, $_REQUEST[ftp_user], $_REQUEST[ftp_pass]) or die("Could not login to ftp server for user $_REQUEST[ftp_user] and provided pass! Ftp connection has failed!"); // check connection if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) { echo "FTP connection has failed!"; echo "Attempted to connect to ".$_REQUEST[ftp_server].":".$_REQUEST[ftp_port]." for user ".$_REQUEST[ftp_user].""; return; } else { echo "
Connected to $_REQUEST[ftp_server], for user $_REQUEST[ftp_user], starting transfer...
"; } $ftp_dir_original = ftp_pwd($conn_id); @ftp_mkdir($conn_id,$_REQUEST[ftp_path]); // try to change the directory to somedir if (@ftp_chdir($conn_id, $_REQUEST[ftp_path])) { echo "Current directory is now: " . ftp_pwd($conn_id) . "\n"; } else { echo "Couldn't change directory to $_REQUEST[ftp_path], please verify that the ftp location exists or use the \"Install files directly\" option!
\n"; return; } @ftp_chdir($conn_id, $ftp_dir_original); } ########################## END FTP MODE ###################################### ##### START extract ###### if($_REQUEST['refresh'] < 1){ $ext = substr($file, strlen($file)-4, strlen($file)); if($_REQUEST['file_utilities'] != '1'){ $tar_object = new Archive_Tar($file); if($_REQUEST['manual_ftp']){ $tar_object->_openRead(); fseek($tar_object->_file, $_CONFIG['seek']); $seek = $tar_object->_extractList($_CONFIG['output_path'], $return, "partial", "", "", $_CONFIG['filesLimit']); $seek = $seek - 512;//reverse 512 bytes if($seek > 0){ $backupSize = filesize($file); $rurl = rurl($seek, $backupSize); $percent = sprintf("%.2f",($seek*100)/$backupSize); echo "

Processing files - ".$percent."%

"; echo ""; return; } $_REQUEST['fpos'] = 0; $_REQUEST['chunk'] = 0; } else{ $tar_object->extract($_CONFIG['output_path']); #$tar_object->extractList("backups/perm.txt", $_CONFIG['output_path']); } }else{ if($ext == '.tgz') $compress = 'z'; else $compress = ''; shell_exec("tar -x".$compress."pf $file -C $_CONFIG[output_path]"); } } ##### END extract ###### $new_arr = array(); #@chmod($_CONFIG[output_path], 0777); $tran_file = $_CONFIG[output_path]."/transfer.txt"; if($_REQUEST[transfer_mode]==2){ # initialise list arrays, directories and files separately and array counters for them $excludedFolders = array(); $d_arr = array(); $d = 0; $ds_arr = array(); $f_arr = array(); $f = 0; $s_arr = array(); $s = 0; $d_arr[$d] = $_CONFIG[output_path]; if($_REQUEST['refresh'] < 1){ # obtain the list of files by recursing the mambo file store recurseFiles($d_arr, $ds_arr, $f_arr, $s_arr, $d, $f, $s, $excludedFolders , '', $_CONFIG[output_path]); recurseFiles($d_arr, $ds_arr, $f_arr, $s_arr, $d, $f, $s, $d_arr , '', $_CONFIG[output_path]); sort($d_arr); sort($f_arr); $new_arr = array_merge($d_arr, $f_arr); if($_REQUEST[transfer_mode]==2) if($fp = fopen($tran_file, "w")){ foreach($new_arr as $file){ fwrite($fp, $file."\n"); } fclose($fp); }else{ echo "Unable to write to directory ".$_CONFIG[output_path]."! Please check that this directory is writeable!"; return; } else{}; }else{ $content = ""; $new_arr = file($tran_file); } if(sizeof($new_arr) != 0 ) $percn = sprintf("%.2f",($_REQUEST[next] * 100)/sizeof($new_arr)); if($percn > sizeof($new_arr)) $percn = sizeof($new_arr); } if($_REQUEST['refresh'] == 1){ echo "

Transfering $percn% of ".sizeof($new_arr)." files through ftp

"; echo ""; } elseif($_REQUEST['refresh'] == 2) echo "Files transfer finished!"; $i = (int)$_REQUEST[next]; $j = 0; ### MOVING THE FILES THROUGH FTP #foreach($new_arr as $key=>$file) for($key=$i;$key<=sizeof($new_arr);$key++){ $file = str_replace(array("\r","\n"), array("",""), $new_arr[$key]); if($_REQUEST['manual_ftp'] == 1) if($j == 100){ #echo "Transfering files from line: ". (int)$_REQUEST[next]; $qstr = explode("&refresh=1&next=",$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $rurl = "XCloner.php?".$qstr[0]."&refresh=1&next=".($_REQUEST[next]+100); ftp_close($conn_id); echo ""; exit; } $j++; $sfile = str_replace($_CONFIG[output_path],"",$file); $fsource = $_CONFIG[output_path]."/".$sfile; if(($sfile != "")&&($sfile!="/")) if($_REQUEST[transfer_mode]==2){ $upload = 1; $ftarget = $_REQUEST[ftp_path]."/".$sfile; if(is_dir($fsource)){ $upload1 = @ftp_mkdir($conn_id,$ftarget); }else{ $upload = ftp_put($conn_id, $ftarget, $fsource, FTP_BINARY); } #echo "$i
"; if(!$upload){ echo "
Transfer fail for $fsource to $ftarget
File already exists and/or doesn't have writing permissions!
"; }else{ if($_REQUEST['manual_ftp'] == 1){ $ftarget .= '\n'; echo ""; #echo "$ftarget
\n"; } } } } if($_REQUEST['refresh'] == 1){ $qstr = explode("&refresh=1&next=",$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $rurl = "XCloner.php?".$qstr[0]."&refresh=2&next=".($_REQUEST[next]+102); echo ""; exit; } ############### RESTORING HTACCESS AND CONFIGURATION PERM##################################### if($_REQUEST[transfer_mode]==2){ $cmd = "CHMOD 0777 ".$_REQUEST[ftp_path]."/"."wp-config.php"; @ftp_site($conn_id, $cmd); }else{ @chmod($_REQUEST[output_path]."/"."wp-config.php", 0777); } #### CUSTOM PERMISSIONS ##### if($_REQUEST['preserve_perm']){ $perm_data = ""; $perm_file = $_CONFIG[output_path]."/administrator/backups/perm.txt"; $per = 1; @chmod($perm_file,0777); $fp = @fopen($perm_file,'r'); if($fp){ while(!feof($fp)) $perm_data .= fread($fp, 1024); fclose($fp); }else{ echo "Could not set permissions! Permissions file $perm_file not found!
"; $per = 0; } $data = explode("\n",$perm_data); foreach($data as $value){ $dir = explode("|", $value); if($dir[1]=="") $dir[1] = '0755'; if(strstr($dir[0],"wp-config.php")) $dir[1] = '0777'; if($_REQUEST[transfer_mode]==2){ $cmd = "CHMOD ".$dir[1]." ".$_REQUEST[ftp_path]."/".$dir[0]; @ftp_site($conn_id, $cmd); }else{ @chmod($_CONFIG[output_path]."/".$dir[0], octdec($dir[1])); } } if($per){ echo "

Permissions restored to their initial value...

"; } } #### END CUSTOM PERMISSIONS ##### $_CONFIG[output_path] = str_replace("/archive_tmp/","",$_CONFIG[output_path]); if($_REQUEST[transfer_mode]==2){ // close the FTP stream @ftp_close($conn_id); recursive_remove_directory($_CONFIG[output_path]."/archive_tmp/"); @unlink($_CONFIG[output_path]."/archive_tmp/"); echo "

Files succesfully copied to ".$_REQUEST[ftp_path]." on $_REQUEST[ftp_server] using FTP

"; }else{ echo "

Files succesfully copied to ".$_CONFIG[output_path]."

"; } ######### END DATABASE ONLY RESTRICT ######################################### } ##### RESTORE CONFIGURATION ##### $update_config = 1; if(($_REQUEST['files_skip']) and (isset($_REQUEST['fpos']))){ $update_config = 0; } if(($_REQUEST['do_database'] != 1) || ($_REQUEST['files_skip'] == 1)){ $config_file = $_CONFIG[output_path]."/wp-config.php"; @chmod($config_file,0777); @unlink($_CONFIG[output_path]."/administrator/backups/perm.txt"); if(($_CONFIG['sql_usefile'] == "database-sql.sql") and ($update_config)) if(write_config($config_file)){ echo "

Configuration updated!

"; }else{ echo "Unable to write to configuration file $config_file... Aborting...";return; } } ############ ATTEMPT DATABASE INSERT ##################################### if($DBcreated!='on'){ echo "

Database import skipped!

"; echo "All should be done! Click here to continue...
"; return ; } if (($DBcreated=='on')&&($_REQUEST['do_database'] == 1)){ $sqlfile = $_CONFIG[output_path]."/administrator/backups/".$_CONFIG['sql_usefile']; if(!file_exists($sqlfile)){ echo "Unable to read the database backup file $sqlfile , database was not imported!"; }else{ if($_REQUEST['manual_sql']) $errors = populate_db_manual( $db, $sqlfile); else $errors = populate_db( $db, $sqlfile); if(sizeof($errors)>0){ echo "There were some errors while importing the database:
"; echo ""; exit; }else{ @unlink($_CONFIG[output_path]."/administrator/backups/".$_CONFIG['sql_usefile']); } echo "

Database populated...

"; } } ################################################################################### if($_REQUEST['do_database'] != 1) { $vars = ""; foreach($_REQUEST as $key=>$value) $vars .= $key.'='.@urlencode($value).'&'; #$href = "XCloner.php?".$vars."do_database=1"; $href = rurl()."&do_database=1"; echo "
Please click here to continue with database import..."; return; }else{ echo "
All should be done! Click here to continue...

"; return ; } } function write_config($file){ global $_CONFIG; if(@$fp = fopen($file, "r")){ $config_data = ""; while(!feof($fp)) $config_data .= fread($fp, 1024); fclose($fp); } if ($_REQUEST[DBcreated] == 'on'){ $config_data = str_replace("define('DB_HOST', '", "define('DB_HOST', '".$_REQUEST[mysql_server]."');#", $config_data); $config_data = str_replace("define('DB_USER', '", "define('DB_USER', '".$_REQUEST[mysql_username]."');#", $config_data); $config_data = str_replace("define('DB_PASSWORD', '", "define('DB_PASSWORD', '".$_REQUEST[mysql_pass]."');#", $config_data); $config_data = str_replace("define('DB_NAME', '", "define('DB_NAME', '".$_REQUEST[mysql_db]."');#", $config_data); $liveurl = $_CONFIG['output_url']; $config_data = str_replace("define('DB_HOST", "define('WP_SITEURL','".$liveurl."');\ndefine('WP_HOME','".$liveurl."');\ndefine('RELOCATE',true);\ndefine('DB_HOST", $config_data); $config_data = str_replace("define('WP_SITEURL', '", "define('WP_SITEURL', '".$liveurl."');#", $config_data); $config_data = str_replace("define('WP_HOME', '", "define('WP_HOME', '".$liveurl."');#", $config_data); } if($_REQUEST['transfer_mode'] == 2){ $config_data = str_replace('$'.'ftp_host =',"$"."ftp_host ='".$_REQUEST[ftp_server]."';#", $config_data); $config_data = str_replace('$'.'ftp_port =',"$"."ftp_port ='".$_REQUEST[ftp_port]."';#", $config_data); $config_data = str_replace('$'.'ftp_user =',"$"."ftp_user ='".$_REQUEST[ftp_user]."';#", $config_data); $config_data = str_replace('$'.'ftp_pass =',"$"."ftp_pass ='".$_REQUEST[ftp_pass]."';#", $config_data); $config_data = str_replace('$'.'ftp_root =',"$"."ftp_root ='".$_REQUEST[ftp_path]."';#", $config_data); }else{ $config_data = str_replace('$'.'ftp_enable =',"$"."ftp_enable ='0';#", $config_data); } $config_data = str_replace('$'.'live_site =',"$"."live_site ='".$_CONFIG['output_url']."';#", $config_data); $config_data = str_replace('$'.'absolute_path =',"$"."absolute_path ='".$_CONFIG['output_path']."';#", $config_data); if ($fp = fopen($file, "w")) { fwrite( $fp, $config_data); fclose( $fp ); } else { return false; } // if return true; } function step1(){ global $_CONFIG; $ftarget = $_CONFIG[output_path]."/".$_REQUEST[ver]; if($_REQUEST['refresh'] < 1) if(!is_writable($_CONFIG[output_path])){ echo "Directory ".$_CONFIG[output_path]." is not writeable or does not exists! Could not continue..."; return ; } $ftarget = $_REQUEST[ver]; if((!file_exists($ftarget)) and (!$_REQUEST['files_skip'])){ echo "Could not continue, unable to read the clone backup file! Please make sure you copied the backup in the same directory as XCloner.php "; return; } step2($ftarget); return; } function start() { global $_CONFIG,$pathinfo; $pdir = str_replace($_CONFIG['script_name'], "", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]); $purl = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].str_replace("/".$_CONFIG['script_name'],"", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); ?>
1. Install directory: (server path where you want to restore your backup)

2.Install Url: (the url correspondent of your Install directory:)

3. Choose backup archive to restore:
0) { $list = ""; for($i=0;$i"; } } ?>
Mysql server:
Mysql username:
Mysql password:
Mysql database:
Data encoding:
Import Mysql file:
Skip files restore
Restore files permissions
Restore by using the server utilities(tar)
Incremental transfer

Ftp server: :
Ftp username:
Ftp password:
Ftp upload path:
ftp root path of where the backup will be restored

*after hitting submit please wait for the package to get unarchived and transfered through ftp if it is the case!
Security Note: After restore delete the XCloner.php script from your server
PHP Configuration: phpinfo()
PHP Setting Current Value Recomemnded
Open_Basedir: No Value
Max Execution Time: >30
Safe mode: Off
"; echo sprintf("###MYSQL error\n
\n###On Query:

", $query); echo "Search and replace in query:

enter a string, one per line, which you would like to replace in the query above, example string_to_search|text_to_replace_with "; echo "
"; echo "
"; $error_status = 1; break; } } $percent = sprintf("%.2f", (100*$fpos)/ filesize($file)); if($fpos!='-1'){ echo "

Processed $percent% from sql backup!

"; $red_url = rurl($fpos, $chunk); if($error_status == 1 ){ echo "

To skip this query, click here to Continue

"; exit; }else{ echo "

Continue here

"; echo ""; exit; } } else { echo "

The sql import is finished!

"; } return; } ########END ### STARTING THE AUTOMATIC BACKUP function populate_db( $db, $sqlfile='administrator/backups/database-sql.sql') { global $errors, $_CONFIG; if($_REQUEST['use_mysqldump'] == 1){ echo shell_exec($_REQUEST['mysqldump_path']." -u ".$_REQUEST[mysql_username]." -p".$_REQUEST[mysql_pass]." -h ".$_REQUEST[mysql_server]." ".$_REQUEST[mysql_db]." < ".$sqlfile); return; } $mqr = @get_magic_quotes_runtime(); @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); @chmod($sqlfile,0777); $query = fread( fopen( $sqlfile, 'r' ), filesize( $sqlfile ) ); @set_magic_quotes_runtime($mqr); $pieces = split_sql($query); for ($i=0; $i$value){ if(($key != 'fpos')&&($key != 'chunk')&&($key != 'strrep_c')&&($key != 'strrep')) $get_query .= $key."=".$value."&"; } $url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?fpos=".$fpos."&chunk=".$chunk.$get_query; return $url; } function read_file($file, $lines, $start_pos, &$chunk, &$text){ $cline = 0; $fp = fopen($file, "r"); fseek($fp, $start_pos); while((!feof($fp)) &&($cline <= $lines)){ $btemp = fgets($fp, $chunk); $buffer .= $btemp; if(strstr($btemp, ";\n")) $cline++; $fpos = ftell($fp); } $buffer = str_replace(";\r", ";\n", $buffer); $text = explode(";\n", $buffer); $fpos = $fpos - strlen($text[sizeof($text)-1]); if(sizeof($text) == 1) $chunk = DATA_CHUNK_LENGTH+$chunk; else $chunk = DATA_CHUNK_LENGTH; if(feof($fp)) $fpos = '-1'; fclose ($fp); return $fpos; // array_reverse is optional: you can also just return the $text array which consists of the file's lines. } /** * @param string */ function split_sql($sql) { $ret = array(); $sql = str_replace("\n) ", "\n) ;\n#\n#", $sql); $sql = str_replace("\n--\n","\n#\n",$sql); $sql = str_replace("\n-- ","\n# ",$sql); $sql = str_replace("\n/*","\n#/*",$sql); $sql = str_replace("#\n", "#;\n", $sql); // Processing the SQL file content $file_content = explode("\n",$sql); $query = ""; // Parsing the SQL file content foreach($file_content as $key=>$sql_line) { if(substr($sql_line, 0, 2) == "--") $sql_line = "#".substr($sql_line, 2, strlen($sql_line)); if(trim($sql_line) != "" ){ $query .= $sql_line; // Checking whether the line is a valid statement if(preg_match("/(.*);/", $sql_line)){ $query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query)-1); //Executing the parsed string, returns the error code in failure $ret[] = $query; $query = ""; } } } //End of foreach return($ret); } function recurseFiles(&$d_arr, &$ds_arr, &$f_arr, &$s_arr, &$d, &$f, &$s, &$includedFolders, $path, $mosConfig_absolute_path) { $currentfullpath = $mosConfig_absolute_path.$path; # Open possibly available directory if( is_dir( $currentfullpath ) ) { if( $handle = opendir( $currentfullpath ) ) { while( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) ) { # Make sure we don't push parental directories or dotfiles (unix) into the arrays if( $file != "." && $file != ".." ) { if( is_dir( $currentfullpath . "/" . $file ) ) { # Create array for directories $d_arr[++$d] = $currentfullpath . "/" . $file; recurseFiles($d_arr, $ds_arr, $f_arr, $s_arr, $d, $f, $s, $includedFolders, $path . "/" . $file, $mosConfig_absolute_path); } else { if ( in_array($currentfullpath, $includedFolders) ) { # Create array for files $s_arr[$f] = filesize($currentfullpath.'/'.$file); $f_arr[$f++] = str_replace($mosConfig_absolute_path.'/', '', $currentfullpath.'/').$file; $s += filesize($currentfullpath.'/'.$file); } } } } } # Wrap things up if we're in a directory if( is_dir( $handle ) ) closedir( $handle ); } } function version_list($fname) { global $_CONFIG; $return = ""; return $return; } function recursive_remove_directory($directory, $empty=FALSE){ // if the path has a slash at the end we remove it here if(substr($directory,-1) == '/'){ $directory = substr($directory,0,-1); } // if the path is not valid or is not a directory ... if(!file_exists($directory) || !is_dir($directory)){ // ... we return false and exit the function return FALSE; // ... if the path is not readable }elseif(!is_readable($directory)){ // ... we return false and exit the function return FALSE; // ... else if the path is readable }else{ // we open the directory $handle = opendir($directory); // and scan through the items inside while (FALSE !== ($item = readdir($handle))){ // if the filepointer is not the current directory // or the parent directory if($item != '.' && $item != '..'){ // we build the new path to delete $path = $directory.'/'.$item; // if the new path is a directory if(is_dir($path)){ // we call this function with the new path recursive_remove_directory($path); // if the new path is a file }else{ // we remove the file unlink($path); } } } // close the directory closedir($handle); // if the option to empty is not set to true if($empty == FALSE){ // try to delete the now empty directory if(!@rmdir($directory)){ // return false if not possible return FALSE; } } // return success return TRUE; } } function setCache($time = 3600){ $seconds_to_cache = $time; $ts = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $seconds_to_cache) . " GMT"; @header("Expires: $ts"); @header("Pragma: cache"); @header("Cache-Control: maxage=$seconds_to_cache"); } ?>