* $out = do_shortcode($content);
* @link http://codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode_API
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Shortcodes
* @since 2.5
* Container for storing shortcode tags and their hook to call for the shortcode
* @since 2.5
* @name $shortcode_tags
* @var array
* @global array $shortcode_tags
$shortcode_tags = array();
* Add hook for shortcode tag.
* There can only be one hook for each shortcode. Which means that if another
* plugin has a similar shortcode, it will override yours or yours will override
* theirs depending on which order the plugins are included and/or ran.
* Simplest example of a shortcode tag using the API:
* // [footag foo="bar"]
* function footag_func($atts) {
* return "foo = {$atts[foo]}";
* }
* add_shortcode('footag', 'footag_func');
* Example with nice attribute defaults:
* // [bartag foo="bar"]
* function bartag_func($atts) {
* extract(shortcode_atts(array(
* 'foo' => 'no foo',
* 'baz' => 'default baz',
* ), $atts));
* return "foo = {$foo}";
* }
* add_shortcode('bartag', 'bartag_func');
* Example with enclosed content:
* // [baztag]content[/baztag]
* function baztag_func($atts, $content='') {
* return "content = $content";
* }
* add_shortcode('baztag', 'baztag_func');
* @since 2.5
* @uses $shortcode_tags
* @param string $tag Shortcode tag to be searched in post content.
* @param callable $func Hook to run when shortcode is found.
function add_shortcode($tag, $func) {
global $shortcode_tags;
if ( is_callable($func) )
$shortcode_tags[$tag] = $func;
* Removes hook for shortcode.
* @since 2.5
* @uses $shortcode_tags
* @param string $tag shortcode tag to remove hook for.
function remove_shortcode($tag) {
global $shortcode_tags;
* Clear all shortcodes.
* This function is simple, it clears all of the shortcode tags by replacing the
* shortcodes global by a empty array. This is actually a very efficient method
* for removing all shortcodes.
* @since 2.5
* @uses $shortcode_tags
function remove_all_shortcodes() {
global $shortcode_tags;
$shortcode_tags = array();
* Search content for shortcodes and filter shortcodes through their hooks.
* If there are no shortcode tags defined, then the content will be returned
* without any filtering. This might cause issues when plugins are disabled but
* the shortcode will still show up in the post or content.
* @since 2.5.0
* @global array $shortcode_tags List of shortcode tags and their callback hooks.
* @param string $content Content to search for shortcodes.
* @param bool $ignore_html When true, shortcodes inside HTML elements will be skipped.
* @return string Content with shortcodes filtered out.
function do_shortcode( $content, $ignore_html = false ) {
global $shortcode_tags;
if ( false === strpos( $content, '[' ) ) {
return $content;
if (empty($shortcode_tags) || !is_array($shortcode_tags))
return $content;
$tagnames = array_keys($shortcode_tags);
$tagregexp = join( '|', array_map('preg_quote', $tagnames) );
$pattern = "/\\[($tagregexp)/s";
if ( 1 !== preg_match( $pattern, $content ) ) {
// Avoids parsing HTML when there are no shortcodes or embeds anyway.
return $content;
$content = do_shortcodes_in_html_tags( $content, $ignore_html );
$pattern = get_shortcode_regex();
$content = preg_replace_callback( "/$pattern/s", 'do_shortcode_tag', $content );
// Always restore square braces so we don't break things like is found.
. '-(?!->)' // Dash not followed by end of comment.
. '[^\-]*+' // Consume non-dashes.
. ')*+' // Loop possessively.
. '(?:-->)?'; // End of comment. If not found, match all input.
$regex =
'/(' // Capture the entire match.
. '<' // Find start of element.
. '(?(?=!--)' // Is this a comment?
. $comment_regex // Find end of comment.
. '|'
. '[^>]*>?' // Find end of element. If not found, match all input.
. ')'
. ')/s';
$textarr = preg_split( $regex, $content, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
foreach ( $textarr as &$element ) {
if ( '<' !== $element[0] ) {
$noopen = false === strpos( $element, '[' );
$noclose = false === strpos( $element, ']' );
if ( $noopen || $noclose ) {
// This element does not contain shortcodes.
if ( $noopen xor $noclose ) {
// Need to encode stray [ or ] chars.
$element = strtr( $element, $trans );
if ( $ignore_html || '